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Ask and you shall recieve

Writer's picture: kim Wymerkim Wymer

Updated: Aug 7, 2024

Hey light givers,

Can I give you some food for thought?

What is your contribution to society?

How can you serve others?

What is your purpose here on earth, why are you here?

Are you already doing it, or would you like to?

If you don’t really know what you want to do or give back, then there is a way to find out.

“Ask the Universe”

Ask the universe to show you your purpose, then ask “Show me how to do it, what's the next step".?

Be ready, open, and awake enough to receive the answers.

Are you a visionary, can you visualise what you want?

It might be something that you can't stop thinking about on a daily basis, it might be an idea that popped into your head, it could be anything that you feel a passion for.

When we have found our passion and we begin to pursue it, it could take months or years to get it flowing the way you want it to, just relax and enjoy the journey.

Although us humans in our complex bodies with all of our complicated feelings and emotions can get quite impatient or frustrated at times and we want it to happen fast and for it to be mega-successful right now.

But then what?

There might be another thing to chase, so what I'm saying is, relax, everything comes to us in good timing, at the perfect time when we are ready to receive.

And some times we will want to give up on what we are passionate about, but stop, have a breather and carry on, Winston Churchill said never never never give up, you have come so far. Keep going, life will challenge you, you may need some help or need to take a risk.

So far I have said yes to my challenges, it's not been easy, believe me, I've had my wobbles and emotional days, and then after a day or so I will get back on that horse and ride it.

Were humans on a journey, we are allowed to do that.

What you focus on expands.

So keep your aims high, keep your visions going and stay positive because we're not here to experience tons of negative experiences, but when that does happen, it sure does teach us something, don’t you think?

Try to keep that positive mindset though.

For over 40 years I was lost with no direction or unknowing of my purpose, that’s a long time, but divine timing I believe, I had to go through it all to wake up and smell the coffee, and I look back and laugh because it's not real anymore, its gone, only now is real.

This led me to ask the universe to show me what am I to do?

I didn’t have a clue, my soul which lives in the centre of my heart, the real me, my higher self was screaming to get out, blimey, I had enough nudges.

I asked the universe to bring in the details and the signs and the guidance and the right people turned up to guide and teach me.

After each learning, I would ask the Universe again “Now what do I do? What next?

How do I do it?

Oh, I get shown alright, it's in my belief system deep.

I believe what I do now is my purpose.

Which is sharing positivity, love, and spreading the light to others so they can do the same, the world needs it, don’t you think?

Art is my passion too, I also love animals, so why not put them together, which is why I'm also an illustrator for a fantastic children's book series called "How I became dodger dog". By my wonderful author friend.

But then another opportunity came in, and why not because it connects with my belief system and spirituality, so I collaborated with another friend who is a shamanic guide and reader who also writes meditations, and now we are working on a project and I have created some spiritual animal art prints online.

I am enjoying this life journey, there are so many amazing opportunities because I believe that. I am trying to enrich my life and leave a legacy for my family and hopefully inspire you to do the same.

We are all trying our best.

So you have come here on this earth with a talent. An Idea !!

We all have a creative side, we are all creators in different ways, art, writing, building, making, speaking, poetry, cooking, you name it, you are a creator.

Make that start, even part-time, weekends, or a side hustle.

And once you have found it, love it, do it, create it, believe in it, the answers and people will show up to help, that is how it happens.

Where focus goes energy flows, you are a creator of your life with your choices.

Wherever you are now was your choice!

Don’t give up, feel proud of yourself, feel good about it, get that excitement going, even if we fall sometimes, that’s ok.

Get back up on your path and enjoy, relax, it's all good.

Take time to go within yourself, that’s where the real you is. You have the answers inside.

There is a crisis in the world at the moment, try to find the time to connect with the real you and your creative purpose.

That will be your true contribution to humanity.

This is food for thought, don’t you think?

I love you because I can, and I have that choice.

Have an amazingly productive week, speak soon x

Stay positive.

Love and light

Kim xx

If you have heard of “The Law of attraction” but have only skimmed over it and don’t really use it all to your advantage, or even if you want some change in your life and need a bit of help to do so, then it may benefit you to come over and take a look at the link below. Author, Positive Speaker, Mentor, Artist, Light worker x

Get your Free PDf on 7 ways to overcome Self-doubt and gain more confidence, Click here

Positive Thinking Online course

Read my book "Out of the shadows" a personal story of transformation and Karma

Business inquiries with Kim Wymer.

Spirit Animal Art

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You can do anything you put your mind to with a positive mental attitude. November 2020



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