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Do you Love you?

Writer's picture: kim Wymerkim Wymer

Updated: Aug 7, 2024

Hey, its been a while since I last blogged,

I do hope that you have been getting on well and moving forward in life with a smile in your heart.

The question that motivated me to write this today was

Do you love you?

As when I ask the question to others, either randomly or to clients, the answer is mostly a No!

I remember being asked this myself many years ago by my mentor, I was shocked to be asked this as I thought she meant it in a vain way, like do you fancy yourself and are you flaunty and full of yourself which spelled vanity to me!

This was the programming some of us have been given,

This couldn’t be further from the truth of what she was asking.

I really sat and thought about this, Do I love myself?

No, I didn’t.

In what other way can you love yourself then?

From a head to toe and inside and out way, every fibre and cell and miraculous self being way.

From the hair of your brows to the nails on your pinky toe, from the beat of your heart to the miracle of speech and senses, from the fantastic brain to the flowing of your blood and how it all works together to form a miraculous you!

Don’t you just love that about your brilliant self?

It's not always about what you look like as we are given our looks by our parents, that’s not our business, we can't help that.

Love and accept yourself as you are, you are a beautiful miracle who has been given a chance to explore this journey of life.

I know many of us have not been told that in our upbringing.

Many would benefit to do self-healing and work on the inner child inside.

There could be part of ourselves that we need to heal as maybe nobody has ever told us that we are loved.

Wherever you are in life, whatever stage you are at, whatever you have achieved or not achieved, how you live, or where you live, from whatever you do for work or if you don’t work, whatever hobbies you have or not, from whatever your age to your spare time activities, whatever!

That is nobody else’s business.

Live up to your own expectations and feel proud.

It's your life, and you are you.

You are always growing and evolving to be the best you can be, we are all trying our best.

And you should love yourself for that too.

Tell yourself you are doing great, you are amazing and love and accept yourself for you.

You deserve that self-love.

Don't you think so?

And a positive mindset will change your life dramatically, there is no point in worrying,

You are where you are, and at the right time.

Believe it will all work out for you.

Because it will.

Love and light to you x

I Love you xx

Kim xxx

I have been busy video Vlogging too, here is the link for tons of positive tips and help.

It would be amazing if you would subscribe, like and share to help to radiate positivity, because the planet needs it, and it would certainly raise the vibration of the energy we all emit.

If we all did this the world would be a better place to live in.

Author, Positive Speaker, Mentor, Artist, Light worker x

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Read my book "Out of the shadows" a personal story of transformation and Karma

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Mysticmag Magazine Article




May 2022



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