Hello lovely souls.
Thank you
I am grateful for you, I am grateful to you for reading my words when I send out my message.
And that’s what I want to express today.
It’s Free to feel this feeling and be in this state, yet it’s so underrated.
How often do you wake up in the morning and think to yourself, wow, I get to experience another day, to do what I’m doing?
Because we are the creators of our experiences and where we currently are.
Some just take this day for granted and focus on the things that may not feel so good.
And some may see this time as a burden or a struggle, or a needed change for the planet, we are all different.
I feel this depends on your mindset, and where your focus is, because what you focus on expands.
That’s just my opinion, from my experiences and learning’s over the past several years.
I have never felt so thankful than I do lately though.
Not only for the basics like having a roof over my head, food on my table and clothing on my back but also feeling thankful for being alive, having a pulse, being able to experience the diversities of life, whatever we go through.
It's not always materialistic.
They are all experiences and learning’s that will pass, and we try our very best to cope the best way we know how to, I know that.
We all see in different ways.
But, just be mindful to take some time out to realise just how much you have to be grateful for, and try not to take too much for granted because nothing is permanent, changes come and go and you are supposed to be here to enjoy the journey, and the more grateful you are for everything, everyone and especially yourself, then the more you will attract back to yourself more to love and to be grateful for.
I realised several years back just how grateful I was when I lost everything including my home and my family to other countries.
I stood alone.
I started to look up and work on my strengths, my gratitude, and my trust in the universal source of energy, which is everything. Amazing people showed up for me, helped me, and showed me how to get back on my feet.
You know who you are.
The word grateful is an understatement in my world, it keeps me going on a daily basis; I hope it does for you too.
All those years ago I saw this video from a young Australian man called Nick Vujicic, and it really did bring it all home to me.
This video has had over a million views and it really inspired me to stay strong and positive and try my very best every day, I hope it inspires you too.
Love you, you are magical.
Stay Positive beautiful souls, because that’s what you are!!
Love Kim x
Author, Positive Speaker, Mentor, Artist, Light worker x
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