Hey lovelies,
I hope you are just fine, I’m good.
I have been popping out positive quotes all of the time on social media platforms, for years now, some are borrowed and remixed from other quotes that I see and some are old, some are made up by me as I love them and I get sparkles of inspiration when I’m meditating, they are thought-provoking and send a positive loving message to all, not everyone gets the quotes and sayings but hopefully, eventually, they will.
I was in deep thought giving myself some precious quiet time and then I popped on the usual socials and saw some other people’s posts with photographs of themselves smiling with well-known people from the mainstream media with the messages saying “Look who we bumped into today”
Isn’t it funny how most humans think it’s great or special to meet other humans who have some sort of iconic persona?
It has always fascinated me how we seem to look up to people who have been featured on TV or radio or some sort of sports or media platform.
Why do we sometimes put people on a pedestal?
I thought about this and put together a post of my own,
They are only people like you.
It said.
“Equality means never put anyone on a pedestal above you.
You are the star!
You need to remember your own superpowers”!!
Do you know that actors, actresses radio presenters, or people that are called celebs get paid because they probably chose it as their job?
It's their job and they probably trained for it.
Yet they are classed as superstars?
Because they are seen on a TV?
Who said? who made that one up then?
Is it just because they are perceived as successful in their field?
Just because they appear on a plastic or metal box in your living room.
Someone once made that up and programmed humans to think that people on TV are to be classed as famous and are to be worshipped and looked up to, and maybe thought of as better than you!
I don’t get it.!!
We are all people lol!!
Call me weird lol, but I see us all as spiritual beings in a human form trying our very best in whatever field of work we choose to do, in whatever way we can.
You are a success too.
You have achievements in your life too.
You have your own unique abilities.
You are a superstar too.
Nobody is above you and nobody is below you, See yourself as amazing and unique through your own eyes.
The world seems mad about class systems and hierarchy.
You are the sovereign one, you have sovereignty, we were programmed to forget this!!.
Do you know that you have human superpowers?
Do you know that you come from stardust and will go home back to stardust?
You are a superstar!
Never put anyone above yourself, we are all made up of the same matter encased in a human suit made up of flesh, bone, and cells on a temporary journey spinning on a planet!
My hope is that one day we all realise this and do see ourselves as one because that’s what we are, we are all connected by energy and consciousness.
So, my message to you dear soul is to feel proud of yourself and all of your lifetime achievements.
Put yourself on that pedestal!
It can only get better!
See the kind of world you want to live in xx
You superstar ;)
Shine brighter every single day.
Know your powers.
I’m sending you so much Love and uplifted positivity and I will never stop!
Love Kim xxx
If you want to know any more about your Superpowers for more positivity check out the links below.
Author, Positive Speaker, Mentor, Artist, Light worker x
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Read my book "Out of the shadows" a personal story of transformation and Karma https://bit.ly/kimwymerbook
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